Just wanted to post a multi-tasked shout out to the Nuke-Con crew and my CoC players from this year's convention! This year's Nuke-Con was the best I've been to in a long time. The change over to the other room was a bit of a surprise, but welcome (no stairs!). My brief after-con report can be found here on RPGPub:
https://rpgpub.com/threads/nuke-con-201 ... port.2009/.
Also, I'd like to thank my players - you were all AWESOME! Yes, there will be more CoC at the con in the future; yes, I will be transitioning it to 7th edition; and yes, I'd love to GM CoC games and continue the Theron Marks Society arc between conventions. Please look me up on Facebook or send me an e-mail at
sylvrephire@gmail.com so we can coordinate!
Dale Meier