Saturday 12:00 PM - 04:00 PM Central | B43
To Make a Raccoon: Why are you, a raccoon, entering the world of illegal street-racing in Los Angeles? Are you a wide-eyed rookie or a seasoned veteran? Are you in this for love, fame, fortune or justice? (Are you an undercover cop?) Who's your (human) rival--and do they even know that you exist? What's the conflict at the heart of your being that spurs drama? Please write a short origin story for your fat 'lil raccoon, and ping it to me on Discord: BikerMeg#6895
Players (min / max): 3 / 5
Signed up: 2 people, 0 are on the wait list.

Game System: Crash Pandas
GMs: Meagan E Wilson
Skill Levels: All Skill Levels
Event Categories: RPG