NewsDan Eilers

Dan Eilers

I am sorry to have to report to you the death of another member of our gaming community. Dan Eilers passed away on Sunday, March 28, after a short hospital stay. Our community is like a big family. We get together periodically to get re-acquainted and enjoy each other’s company. These are people that we …

NewsSpin a Yarn Sabrina

Spin a Yarn Sabrina

Nuke-Con regrets the passing last week of Sabrina Meyer, known to many in the gaming and costuming community for her wildly creative yarn work. Sabrina was also unfailingly kind and cheerful, always interested to learn about whatever was going on around her. We will miss her.

NewsAnnouncing Upcoming 2021 Events

Announcing Upcoming 2021 Events

Great news, Fellow Gamers! After a long year of minimal contact with fun-stifling social distance, Nuke-Con is planning for two upcoming events to liven up 2021. On March 20, Nuke-Con will host its first Aftershock of the year. This is a one-day on-line event, 10 am to 10 pm. We’ll host it on our Discord …