Who are the Pathfinders? We are explorers and adventurers. Heroes and scoundrels. Wizards and Champions. Pathfinder Society is the organized play system for Paizo’s Pathfinder epic fantasy role-playing game and is now in its 16th year.
Who are the Starfinders? We are explorers and adventurers. Techomancers and Soldiers. Protector of the Pack Worlds. Starfinder Society is the organized play system for Paizo’s Starfinder epic science-fantasy role-playing game and is now in its 7th year. Paizo is developing a second edition of Starfinder to more closely align with Pathfinder 2e. We will be offering a number of Playtest adventures for players to try out the new system.
New players are always welcome. We typically play scenarios that last 2-5 hours. Your characters are portable to any Pathfinder or Starfinder Society event across the globe.
Want to give it a try? Find us in the schedule here.