Every gamer has at least one of those games they used to love to play and most likely still love to play, but they’ve been sitting on the shelf, dusty and neglected, for far too long.
Most people also have at least one “extinct game”. What we mean by this is that everyone has at least one game that’s no longer in print, but is still just as much fun to play today as it was the day it rolled out of the factory.
And in some cases, people have at least one dead game that’s been sitting on their shelves lonely and forgotten.
Well guess what? Its time to dust off and resurrect those long-neglected dead games, because the “Dead Games” event is coming!
Aftershock: Dead Games!
- Who: All you gamers, of course! Alive preferred (whereas the games can be alive or dead).
- What: Resurrecting all those venerable but dusty and neglected games you’d like to play again, and/or show others why you love that game so much!
- When: November 2nd, 2024.
- Where: Holy Cross Lutheran Church [Click here for the address]
- Why: Reuse, repurpose, recycle . . . and have a good time in the process.
- How much: No charge! Bring some cash, though, for the Sale of the Dead Games!
Another way to bring those dead games back to life is to offer them DOA to the…
Sale of the Dead Games!
This is a fundraiser for the annual Nuke-Con convention. So empty out your coff – er, closet and help out your favorite convention at the same time.
Remember: The Dead Games will live again on November 2, 2024. Bring your living friends (and their dead games) along as well!