Game Masters must check in at GM Registration 10 minutes before the game is scheduled to begin, and must conclude the game by the scheduled end time or make arrangements with Game Registration to move to a floater table.
Electricity for GMs or players is available, but if you need to use electricity (including a computer) for your game, you will need to contact the GM Coordinator and plan to bring your own extension cord.
Game Masters are asked to be mindful of the volume level of their games and to be courteous of those around you.
Game Masters and players will be responsible for cleaning up their gaming area before they leave it.
Game Masters are providing their games to Nuke-Con as a service; GMs have final say as to who may participate in their games. GMs have the option to eject players from their games.
Game Masters must notify the convention if they will be unable to run an game. Please email the GM Coordinator with as much advance notice as possible to cancel.
Any Game Master who has a listed game in the program/con book may receive reimbursement for the cost of his/her badge. The game must run – meaning it had enough players to play and ran at the time assigned per the book. If that is that is the case, running eight hours of games will earn you half of your badge price back. Running twelve hours will earn you your full badge price back. The reimbursement happens after the convention. Contact the GM Coordinator for more information.
GMs that are repeated violators of these rules will be barred from running games.